Dental Bridges

Root canal treatment (also called Endodontics) is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected through tooth decay or damaged by an injury to your mouth. This infection may spread through the root canal system, which could eventually lead to an abscess, causing a great deal of discomfort. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the tooth may need to be taken out.


Krunice su estetski nadomjesci na oštećenom ,slomljenom ili nerazvijenom zubu. Na taj način zub ponovno postaje funkcionalna i estetska cjelina.

U našoj ordinaciji ugrađujemo krunice :

  • Visoke estetike izrađene od metalkeramike.
  • Potpune keramike.
  • Cirkonija.
  • "E-max" keramike.

Krajnji cilj estetske stomatologije je postizanje estetskog učinka primjenom najsuvremenijih i najkvalitetnijih materijala i postupaka.

U našoj ordinaciji također radimo:

  • Čišćenje zubnog kamenca.
  • Čišćenje pigmentacije na zubima primjenom air flow.
  • Izbjeljivanje zuba - brzo i bezbolno u jednom posjetu ordinaciji posvijetliti ćemo Vam zube za 2-3 nijanse.
  • Zubni nakit - postavljanje ne oštećuje zubnu caklinu, a po želji može ga se ukloniti kad god pacijent želi.

The root is then cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection

Root canal treatment (also called Endodontics) is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected through tooth decay or damaged by an injury to your mouth. This infection may spread through the root canal system, which could eventually lead to an abscess, causing a great deal of discomfort. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the tooth may need to be taken out.

Each year, Schumer takes a trip to Martha’s Vineyard with her high school friends. But as she puts it to Stewart, this year they couldn’t go back. Whatever happened last year left them “banned” from the vacation destination. So they settled on the Hamptons, met up with Lawrence, and the rest is tabloid history. What caused the ban?

Each year, Schumer takes a trip to Martha’s Vineyard with her high school friends. But as she puts it to Stewart, this year they couldn’t go back. Whatever happened last year left them “banned” from the vacation destination. So they settled on the Hamptons, met up with Lawrence, and the rest is tabloid history. What caused the ban?

Each year, Schumer takes a trip to Martha’s Vineyard with her high school friends. But as she puts it to Stewart, this year they couldn’t go back. Whatever happened last year left them “banned” from the vacation destination. So they settled on the Hamptons, met up with Lawrence, and the rest is tabloid history. What caused the ban?

Why Is Amy Schumer Banned from Martha’s Vineyard?

Schumer stays mum. It’s possible Schumer was joking when she gave her reasoning for swapping the Hamptons for Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe she didn’t want to offend the welcoming Massachusetts community.

37-Year-Old Sets Minor League Baseball

Maybe it was easier to Uber Copter out to the South Fork. Schumer stays mum. It’s possible Schumer was joking when she gave her reasoning for swapping the Hamptons for Martha’s Vineyard.

12 Surprising Facts About Donald Trump

It’s possible Schumer was joking when she gave her reasoning for swapping the Hamptons for Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe she didn’t want to offend the welcoming Massachusetts community.

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